
In 2018 we finished the development of CYLvision, our first attempt to develop our very own and unique system for creating sound-reactive visuals. Ever since then, CYLvision brought colorful (… sometimes a little different then expected…) realtime-visuals to all our concerts.

CYLvision was made possible thanks to an amazing team:

Chikashi Miyama – Coding and concepts
Miu Wah-Lok aka Hyra Chi – Animations for CYLvision
Fabian Klein – Director of Photography
Simon Dolensky – Regie
Felix Tonnat – Gimbal Operator
Johannes Schmülling – 1. Camera Assistant
Jennifer Döring – Runner
Tanzfaktur Köln – Location
Camcar Köln – Camera rental
Frank Brempel @ Blue in Green Recordings – the lovely studio where we produced Frank
David Trapp & Michael Schwalb @ Energiekreis Zuckerhut Studios – Mixing Location & Workspace
Kai Blankenberg @ Skyline Tonfabrik – Mastering
Klanglabor KHM Köln – Support

Gefördert vom Kulturamt der Stadt Köln.
Frank – CYLVESTER featuring CYLvision
How to CYLVESTER? – Making of CYLvision